Asociatia Popa Soare is now ED Certified from NGOsource as equivalent to a US public charity. Asociatia POPA SOARE is described in section 501(c)(3) and section(s) 509(a)(1), 170(b)(1)(a)(vi) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Our organization’s equivalency determination certificate is now on file in the NGOsource repository for US-based grantmakers to request and access.

We look forward to the new funding opportunities this certificate will bring us, so we can continue the work we do in our communities.

To learn more about NGOsource, visit


Your donations to Asociatia Popa Soare improve the general welfare of children in Romania now and into their adulthood.

— Marie
Your support gives children acces to care, food and education, to be more productive in society and go on to raise children who also attend school. 

— Fr. Dorin
Thanks to your support, Asociatia Popa Soare has provided in 2020 more than 230 tablets with internet acces for two years for children living in rural Romania.

— Catalin
Asociatia Popa Soare