Projects 2020-2024

Food for children | Shelter for the homeless | Education for students in need


Șotrile - 2024 Project Presentation


  • Project initiated by Asociația Popa Soare in Șotrile, Prahova County, Romania
  • Aims to significantly improve living conditions for two families in dire circumstances


  1. Corina (45 years old)
    • Lives in a small, dilapidated shelter
    • Cares for her grandchildren
    • Unable to read or write
  2. Maria (24 years old)
    • Mother of three young boys
    • Lives with her family in a single room with poor conditions
    • Faces severe health issues

Project Objectives

  • Improve housing conditions for both families
  • Provide basic repairs and additions to their homes
  • Encourage spiritual growth and church involvement

Planned Activities

  1. Initial assessment visit
  2. Budget and timeline creation
  3. Contractor hiring
  4. Construction and repair work
  5. Photo/video documentation
  6. Final report and results analysis

Long-term Vision

  • Transform this pilot project into a sustainable, long-term initiative
  • Potential creation of a "social cafe" at Casa Sf. Macarie to:
    • Provide education and support for beneficiaries
    • Offer a meeting place for tourists and local initiatives
    • Serve as a hub for cultural, social, and ecological projects

Call to Action

Support this project to make a meaningful difference in the lives of these families and contribute to the development of a sustainable social initiative in the Șotrile community.

Școala de vacanță

Project Overview

  • Title: "Școala de vacanță" (Summer School)
  • Organizer: Asociația Popa Soare
  • Partners: Parohia Sudiți, SC DAMIFE SRL (Ateliere Puf), Comunitatea Nuci
  • Duration: May-June 2024


  • Project targets Școala Gimnazială Nr.1 Nuci, spread across three villages
  • Serves a disadvantaged community with socio-economic challenges
  • Aims to supplement family education and provide affection


  1. Prevent and reduce absenteeism and school dropout
  2. Improve academic results
  3. Integrate children with special educational needs
  4. Create a family-like environment for children from challenging backgrounds
  5. Reduce violence through artistic and social activities
  6. Develop intellectual and social skills
  7. Create community cohesion

Main Activities

  1. LUMEA COPIILOR (Children's World)
  2. PRIETENII ȘAHULUI (Chess Friends)
  3. MICI, DAR CREATIVI (Small but Creative)
  4. MICII BUCĂTARI (Little Chefs)
  5. VINE ȘCOALA, BINE-MI PARE! (School is Coming, I'm Glad!)


  • 20-30 preschool and school children
  • 10-15 families
  • 5 teachers (minimum 2 per activity)

Key Components

  • Educational activities and workshops
  • Counseling and personal development
  • Art and craft sessions
  • Culinary workshops
  • Preparation for national evaluations
  • Chess courses and tournament
  • Theater and puppet shows
  • School preparation activities

Evaluation Methods

  • Photographs and exhibitions
  • Student portfolios
  • Social media engagement
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • CD compilation of activities
  • Questionnaires to assess impact

Call to Action

Support this project to make a meaningful difference in the lives of disadvantaged children in the Nuci community, providing them with educational opportunities and personal growth experiences during their summer vacation.

ARIPI CĂTRE VIITOR (Wings Towards the Future) Program


  • An after-school program offering care, educational services, and recreational activities
  • Targeted at children aged 7-12 from families with minimal social conditions
  • Operated in the 2022-2023 school year, continuing from the previous year

Program Objectives

  1. Prevent and reduce school absenteeism and dropout
  2. Improve academic performance and independent work skills
  3. Enhance social competencies and interpersonal relationships
  4. Provide a safe and nurturing environment after school hours
  5. Offer warm meals and homework support

Key Components

  1. Performance Activities
    • Knowledge consolidation
    • Preparation for school competitions and contests
  2. Life Preparation Activities
    • Personal development
    • Adaptation to the environment
    • Promoting healthy behaviors
  3. Workshops
    • Thematic activities
    • Interdisciplinary projects

Program Structure

  • Two groups of 15 students each
  • Activities from Monday to Friday
  • Specialized teachers and educational staff

Highlighted Activities

  1. Puppet Theater
  2. "Thank You Mom for Giving Birth to Me" celebration
  3. "Thoughts Towards the Future" project
  4. Pyrography workshops


  • Improved independent work skills
  • Enhanced ability to find and use informational materials
  • Better social skills and interpersonal relationships
  • Provision of a secure environment with warm meals
  • Positive feedback on educational services and catering


The program has successfully provided a complementary educational experience, supporting children from disadvantaged backgrounds and working families, contributing to their academic and personal development.

Christmas Charity Project 2023: Bringing Joy to Those in Need


The Forgotten Faces Foundation raised funds for Popa Soare Association who organized a charity project to help underprivileged families and individuals in rural areas of Romania during Christmas 2023. The project focused on providing food packages, essential items, and financial assistance to those in need.


  • Approximately 30-32 children and several adults in need
  • Families from Argeș and Vâlcea counties
  • Homeless individuals and elderly in care homes

Aid Provided

Standard Food Package Contents:

  • Basic food items: oil, rice, beans, pasta, milk, canned goods
  • Festive items: sausages, cheese, chocolate, oranges, cozonac (traditional sweet bread)
  • Religious books and prayer books
  • Stationery items (pens and markers)

Additional Assistance:

  • Diapers for children and adults with special needs
  • Financial aid (typically 200-300 lei per family)
  • Clothing and toys (collected by local priests)

Notable Cases

  1. Dumitrescu Family (Râca, Argeș County):
    • 4 children, including a 21-year-old daughter with a rare disease (Behçet's syndrome)
    • Received food packages and adult diapers
  2. Trăistaru Family (Izvoru village, Argeș County):
    • Single father with 3 children
    • Recently purchased a small, old house
  3. Rusu Family (Vâlcea County):
    • Living in a forest hut without electricity or running water
    • 5-year-old child living in extreme conditions
  4. Large Family in Ocnele Mari (Vâlcea County):
    • 5 young children (oldest 6 years, youngest 6 months)
    • Received double food packages, extra milk, and diapers

Distribution Method

  • Direct distribution by foundation members
  • Collaboration with local priests for identifying and reaching beneficiaries


  • Provided essential nutrition and comfort items
  • Offered festive food to create a holiday atmosphere
  • Distributed religious materials for spiritual support
  • Brought joy and hope to struggling families and individuals


The project successfully reached numerous families and individuals in dire need, providing not just material support but also bringing a ray of hope during the Christmas season.

House Construction Project for Elena and Her Children

Project Overview

  • Organization: Asociația Popa Soare
  • Location: Căiuți village, Bacău County, Romania
  • Beneficiaries: Elena and her eight minor children
  • Project: Construction of a new house

Family Background

  • Elena: Mother of nine children (one adult daughter, eight minor sons)
  • Children's ages range from 2 to 18 years
  • Previous living conditions: 9 people in two rooms
  • Some children have health issues:
    • Cosmin: Endocrine disorders affecting growth
    • Denis: Recent facial semi-paralysis

Project Timeline

  • June 26, 2023: Construction began with digging foundation trenches
  • September 25, 2023: Construction completed

House Specifications

  • Two rooms and a hallway
  • Materials: BCA bricks, corrugated sheet metal roof
  • Interior: Cement screed floor (to be covered with parquet), drywall, painted walls
  • Exterior: Painted
  • Electricity: Connected (lights and outlets)
  • Heating: Stove to be installed


  • Significantly improved living conditions for the family
  • Reduced risk of child protection authorities' intervention
  • Provides adequate space for the growing children
  • Elena Vlad expressed immense gratitude, stating the help exceeded her dreams

Social Context

  • Similar case in the village: Another woman regained custody of her children after improving living conditions
  • Older children contributing to family income:
    • Eldest son (18) working at a sheep farm
    • 16-year-old son working summers picking blueberries


This project has had a transformative impact on the Vlad family, providing them with a stable and spacious home, and alleviating concerns about child welfare interventions. It demonstrates the significant positive change that targeted housing assistance can bring to vulnerable families.

Popa Soare Association Brings Hope to Children with Autism in Partnership with CONIL

Asociația Popa Soare has recently partnered with Asociația CONIL to support children with autism and other disabilities by funding 400 hours of essential therapies. This initiative includes ABA therapy, kinetotherapy, logotherapy, art therapy, music therapy, and sports therapy, benefiting children with autism, Down syndrome, and other conditions.

CONIL, an NGO dedicated to inclusive education and therapy for children with special needs, will utilize these therapy hours to ensure holistic care and development for over 300 children under its care. This partnership underscores Popa Soare Association's commitment to enhancing the lives of vulnerable children.

Marie Jianu, president of Asociația Popa Soare, expressed profound admiration for CONIL's work and emphasized the importance of their support to bring smiles and relief to affected families.

For more information on CONIL's projects, visit CONIL's website.

Asociația Popa Soare dăruiește speranță copiilor cu autism din Asociația CONIL - Jurnal Social (

Project Slatioarele AfterSchool
  • helping to cover costs to remodel existing parochial house space into a social-cultural center, where activities under AfterSchool program take place

  • provide clothes, school supplies and other basic necessities for 30 children

  • covering catering costs of daily lunches for 30 children for 6 months

— January 2020
Project House Turnu Monastery

Help to finishing one social house of 149 sqm, three bedrooms, for 6 children and one supervisor in Târgșoru Vechi, jud. Prahova, property of Turnu Monastery, dedicated to children in need without families and/or from low-income families.

— May 2020
Project Brebu Tablets

Due to the pandemic the schools are closed and many families do not afford tablets and internet access for their children to take part in distance learning.
The children received 100 tablets Alcatel 3T 8 Inch 4G.
Each tablet has unlimited 4G internet access for 24 months.

— May 2020
Project Leosti Baltati Tablets

Due to the pandemic the schools are closed and many families do not afford tablets and internet access for their children to take part in distance learning.
The children received 109 tablets Alcatel 3T 8 Inch 4G.
Each tablet has unlimited 4G internet access for 24 months.

— June 2020
Project Slatioarele Tablets

30 children received tablets Alcatel 3T 8 Inch 4G.
Each tablet has unlimited 4G internet access for 24 months.

— August 2020
Project Back to school Brebu

At Fr. Marian's initiative we helped distributing  backpacks full of needed school supplies for kids who couldn't otherwise afford them. Their desired items list included basics like folders, spiral notebooks, filler paper, pencils, and more non-expensive supplies.. 

— September 2020
Volunteer setup Google for Education

Installing online platform Google for Education for Scoala Gimnaziala Matei Basarab - Brebu, Prahova and Scoala Gimnaziala Tatarani - Vaslui for more than 500 students and 100 teachers.

— June 2020
Volunteer setup Microsoft for Education

Installing online platform Microsoft for Education for Scoala Gimnaziala Matei Basarab - Brebu, Prahova and Scoala Gimnaziala Tatarani - Vaslui for more than 500 students and 100 teachers.

— June 2020
Triskaidekaphobia Brebu

There was not a Black Friday, but a joyful occasion for the 22 children from Centrul Rezidențial de tip familial Sfânta Filofteia din Brebu to receive the gifts they wished. Sfânta Vineri must have helped.

— Friday, 13th November 2020
Ariodante Scholarship

Asociatia Popa Soare covers the costs for music lessons for up to 12 children in low-income families. 

— November 2020
Ocnele Mari Tablets

Cu binecuvântarea Înaltpreasfințitului Părinte Varsanufie, Arhiepiscopul Râmnicului, părintele Nicolae Dorin Buda, inspector coordonator al  Departamentului de misiune pentru rromi, în parteneriat cu Asociația Popa Soare din București, a oferit tablete conectate la internet gratuit unor elevi din localitatea Ocnele Mari care nu au posibilitatea de a participa la cursurile online desfășurate la nivelul unității de învățământ.

— September 2020
Daesti Tablets

La finalul anului 2020, cu binecuvântarea Înaltpreasfințitului Părinte Varsanufie, Arhiepiscopul Râmnicului, Departamentul de misiune pentru rromi în parteneriat cu Asociația Popa Soare din București a oferit tablete conectate la internet gratuit unor elevi din localitatea Dăești.

— 29th December 2020
Asociatia Popa Soare